Party Over in Portland: Police Push Back Rioters, Refuse to Let Another CHAZ Happen (VIDEO)

Finally, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) or CHOP is officially over and the is still being dismantled by the city. Even still, there are some who are refusing to give up the fight

This refusal to back down from these few individuals has led to a number of shootings in the CHOP zone. One of which just this week resulted in the death of one man and a 14-year-old who was injured from gunshot wounds.

Seattle police say that multiple 911 calls came in about gunshots near 12th Avenue between Pike and Pine Streets shortly after 3 a.m. when a vehicle drove through the CHOP and was fired upon. Two victims were inside the vehicle which crashed into concrete barriers at the edge of the protest zone.

According to SPD, 911 callers reported that several people fired into a white Jeep Cherokee SUV. One Black man died and a 14-year-old boy is being treated for gunshot wounds at a hospital after the shooting, according to Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best.

“We are not sure who shot at the car or why they shot at the car,” Chief Best said Monday morning. “Detectives are searching social media, hoping someone has information and will come forward.”

“The typical things we search for in a case like this, in a shooting like this, weren’t there,” she added about the scene around the vehicle. “It is abundantly clear to our detectives that people had been in and out of the car after the shooting. Detectives are trying to get in information from witnesses, but as has been the case in other crime scenes up in this area, people are not being cooperative with our requests for help.”

When protesters took to Portland once again recently, the police have finally decided that they’ve had enough of this anarchy crap and fought them off as the rioters tried to barricade the Central Precinct in Portland.

Take a look at this video and watch the police treat these idiot thugs the way they deserve.


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