Obama’s Deep State is in a World of Trouble After FBI Makes Request

In early February this year, it became known that the former Obama administration had given private companies access to US intelligence databases.

To this day we still don’t know what happened exactly happened or who acquired the access exactly, but at least we have an idea.

In an April 2017 report by the FISA Court, the results of the Obama administration’s investigation into the search for FISA were revealed.

It was then that we first learned of the many criminal activities involving the FBI, NSA and DOJ in the Obama administration.

OIG Letter to FBI About Con… by The Conservative Treehouse

A very interesting release from the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Michael Horowitz, outlines some very interesting information especially for those who have followed the arc of the NSA database exploitation for several years.


Keep in mind this contractor access to the bulk NSA metadata is a big deal. All of the FISA audits in the past six years have pointed out how FBI contractors abuse their access to the database and unlawfully extract information without minimization efforts required by fourth amendment protections. The scale of the abuse is actually stunning; and now the OIG has reviewed the same process and found the same issues uncorrected.

The FBI is attempting to retain an unlawful process. Former NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers said: the system itself is too easy to exploit and too difficult to manage, as he tried to shut down part of the search function (“about queries”) within the database itself.

The corruption that we have seen in the Obama administration is unlike anything else that we’ve seen from a president with maybe the exception of Richard Nixon, but I would argue that this far outweighs Watergate.

As of currently, there has been only one person with charges filed against them, but I still believe there will be more. When you’re going after big fish, you’ve got to make sure you’ve got what it takes to catch them.

Conservative Treehouse

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