MUST WATCH: Nurse In Tears Blows Whistle on New York Hospitals, ‘I Am Literally Telling You That They’re Murdering These People’

Last week a woman put out a video on behalf of a nurse that went semi-viral after she explained the conditions of how the patients in New York City hospitals are being mistreated.

Now there is another female nurse who is on the front lines in New York City who is further exposing the terrible things that are going on.

She felt it was so important to get her message out that she made the video as a Facebook Live while she was still in scrubs at the hospital. She is actually saying that the doctors and nurses at the hospitals are murdering the patients.

I’ll warn you now that what she says in the video below is disturbing and there is some strong language.

In one of the most disturbing portions of the video she says,

It’s like going in the f***ing Twilight Zone. Like everyone here is okay with this. The only way I can kinda put this in context for everybody. This is going to be kind of an extreme example, but this is really the only thing I can come up with. It’s like if we were in Nazi Germany and they were like, taking the Jews to go put them in a gas chamber, I’m the one there saying like, ‘hey, this is not good, this is bad, this is wrong, we should not be doing this.’ Then everyone tells me ‘hang in there, you’re doing a great job, you can’t save everybody — you’re amazing, you’re a great nurse.’”

Sirotek then goes on to say that she knows she’s a good nurse, but what she needs is for someone to help her “save these patients from being killed.”

“They’re not dying of COVID-19…I am literally telling you that they’re murdering these people, and nobody will listen to me.”

I definitely recommend not going to a hospital unless you absolutely need to and even then, don’t go to New York City. Even if you live there, it would be worth it to go somewhere else.

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