MSM Pushes ‘7-Year-Old Boy Dies From COVID’ Story…Here’s What REALLY Happened

Allow me to remind you once again…

If you don’t think that the media is trying to keep Americans in constant fear, you’ve taken the bait.

There is most certainly a heavy political push to keep everything shut down as long as possible, including schools.

This doesn’t just come from the liberal outlets like CNN, this story is even on Fox News because they’re a part of the problem as well.

The sad story of today is a 7-year-old boy who “died of COVID.”

Here’s how Fox News reported it,

A 7-year-old old boy from Savannah, Ga., with no underlying conditions, became the youngest victim to die from the coronavirus in the state, the Georgia Department of Public Health reported Thursday.

“Every COVID-19 death we report is tragic, but to lose someone so young is especially heart-breaking,” Dr. Lawton Davis, director of the Coastal Health Department, said in a statement, according to FOX 5 in Atlanta. “We know that older individuals and those with underlying conditions are at higher risk of complications, but this is a disease everyone should take seriously.”

The health department said they don’t release victims’ names for privacy reasons.

The date of the boy’s death wasn’t released.

There are two things that I want to mention about this to clarify a little about what really happened.

The first thing is that he had a seizure in the shower which led to him having a bad fall and the boy was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. He had no symptoms of COVID. They did a rapid test and said that he MIGHT have COVID. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is doing an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

The other thing is they mention that the date of the boy’s death wasn’t released. Why do you think that is? I can tell you why, it’s because it happened two weeks ago.

Now, let me ask you…why do you think they waited so long to push this story? There’s one reason only, because school is just now starting back. Fear-mongering is the name of the game.

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