Mayor De Blasio Tells Wolf Blitzer That He Is Banning All Large Gatherings in NYC Except For This (VIDEO)

When it comes to the worst leaders in American, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone worse than New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

This man is about as worthless and as big of a liar as they come.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with the show Parks and Recreation, but I’d rather have a mayor trying to start construction of a winter sports complex called “Ice Town”. But in all seriousness, I’d rather have him than Bill de Blasio as a mayor any day.

That says a lot seeing as how on the show he was impeached after just two months and bankrupted the town.

Last week, de Blasio banned all large gatherings in New York City, including church services which is a Constitutionally protected right.

However, his cowardice and hypocrisy shows in that he’s allowing mass protests and riots for Black Lives Matter.

On Thursday, de Blasio helped paint a Black Lives Matter mural in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan, and yelled, “We are saying Black Lives Matter in New York City and Black Lives Matter in the United States of America! Let’s show Donald Trump what he does not understand; let’s paint it right in front of his building for him!” Later, the mayor appeared on CNN with host Wolf Blitzer, who asked him, “What about protests? If people want to march down Fifth Avenue, are they going to be allowed to do so?”

De Blasio answered, “Look, Wolf, this is always an area of real sensitivity. If you’re just talking about health, we would always say, ‘Hey, folks, you know, stay home if you can.’ But we understand at this moment in history, people are talking about the need for historic changes. I mean, today, in New York City, recognizing the power and the meaning of the message Black Lives Matter, which we did in front of Trump Tower today, this is a historic moment of change; we have to respect that, but also say to people, the kinds of gatherings we’re used to – the parades, the fairs – we just can’t have that while we’re focusing on health right now.”

Nice photo-op here by de Blasio. I’m sure this will be just as criticized at President Trump was criticized by the left for his photo being taken while standing in front of St. Johns Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C.

The Daily Wire

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