Latest Biden Accuser Claims He Sexually Harassed Her When She Was Only 14-Years-Old…Has 6 WITNESSES!

We’re told to believe women, right? When women accuse someone of sexual abuse, we’re supposed to automatically believe them, evidence or not.

This was the mantra of the Democratic Party just a few years ago when Christine Blasey-Ford was trying to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from becoming a Supreme Court justice by accusing him of sexual assault 30 years ago.

Democrats were dead set on keeping Kavanaugh out at any cost so they had Blasey-Ford create this story but their attempt still failed miserably. All they ended up doing was partially tarnishing a man’s good name and reputation.

The two things that kept Kavanaugh out of hot water were the facts that he kept very detailed calendars of what he has done for the last 30+ years and the fact that not a single person could corroborate her story, even those who she said were there.

This time it’s Biden’s butt on the chopping block and the liberals are almost completely ignoring it. If they’re not ignoring it, they’re just saying that they don’t care and he’s still better than Trump.

Now another young woman is accusing Biden of sexual misconduct and has at least 6 people who can back up her claims, unlike Blasey-Ford who had zero.

Eva Murry, who is 26 years old, said that when she was 14, she was sexually harassed by Biden at a political roast when Biden approached her and

“I remember walking into the lobby and being in awe of all the people in such fancy clothes,” Murry told Law & Crime. “Our two parties of people gravitated towards each other and everyone started saying their hellos. When it was Biden and my aunt’s turn to say hello he quickly turned to me and asked how old I was. I replied with my age and he replied with the comment ‘Fourteen? You’re very well endowed for 14!’ I was confused but it was definitely weird, he looked me up and down and hovered his eyes on my chest so I had some clue [about] the notion of his comment but didn’t fully understand at the time. We quickly separated from his area after the encounter.”

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