Photo taken from video

Latest Attacks on Biden and Democrats: “I Was Raped by Top Democrat Donor – I Know More Than You Will Ever Know About Their Evil”

It seems like the #MeToo movement has been pretty silent lately, or at least the media is making it seem that way.

There is one member of the movement who hasn’t been silent though, and that’s Rose McGowan.

Now, I really don’t like Rose McGowan…at all. But, I can say one thing positive about her, she’s just as harsh on the Democrats as she is on Republicans.

Last week, Rose McGowan who is one of the most outspoken speakers and activists in the #MeToo movement, if not the most outspoken, just called out her abuser which she hasn’t done up until now.

Rose McGowan took to Twitter and called out director Alexander Payne for grooming her and getting her into the mood and having sex with her when she was just 15-years-old.

“Alexander Payne. You sat me down & played a soft-core porn movie you directed for Showtime under a different name. I still remember your apartment in Silverlake. You are very well-endowed. You left me on a street corner afterwards. I was 15.”

Since then, she has been on a metaphorical shooting spree at Democrats and especially Joe Biden.

She recently tweeted something that appears to have been from someone else, but it could have been from her.

“I was raped by a TOP Democratic donor. HIllary Clinton shut down NBC’s expose of HW (Harvey Weinstein) with one call from her spokesperson. I strongly believe Joe Biden is a rapist. DNC had Bill Clinton, serial abuser of young women (Epstein & others) speak. You want me to be pro-Dem? I know more than you will ever know about their evil. You can hide behind you convenient morality. I won’t.”

We all know that the Democrats have no hope at winning the election this November. There is too much going against them this time around, including their own party.

In fact, over 1000 delegates voted for Bernie Sanders to get the nomination over Joe Biden.

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