It Can’t Be Called A Conspiracy Theory Anymore, Hundreds of Celebrities and Politicians Visited Pedo Island (Names Inside)

Many want to try and claim that the whole Pizzagate and sex trafficking ring is just a conspiracy theory, but it is real and it’s a HUGE deal.

Personally, I’m a naturally skeptical person who questions anything that seems out of place, even if it’s not. I’m still going to test it anyway though.

There are some who more readily believe conspiracy theories.

One of the conspiracies that many people have come to accept this year is involving sex trafficking and COVID-19.

I think by now we all acknowledge that there is a sex trafficking ring going on that is global. There is also a virus that is going around as well. But there are some who are connecting the two.

The theory is that the virus is a means by which to be better able to capture these pedophiles.

I for one don’t buy into it that far, but I do believe that since capturing Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, there are a lot of people who are afraid and who are going to be exposed and put in jail

There have been thousands of pages of documents related to Jeffrey Epstein released and people are being exposed.

Here is a huge list of people who have either flown on Epstein’s plane or been to the island:

(Compiled list of names from Epstein’s Island flight logs from the first 200 pages of 2000+.)

● Huma Aberdin
● Laura Silsby
● Rachel Chandler
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● John Podesta
● Michael Podesta
● James Alefantis
● Anthony Wiener
● Leslie Wexner (Limited Inc Chairman)
● Herbert Strauss
● Isidor Strauss
● Martin A. Nowak
● Steven Spielberg
● Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram Chairman)
● Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)
● Michael Steinhardt (former hedge-fund manager)
● Sara Bronfman
● Clare Bronfman
● Niles Lehman (Professor at Portland State University)
● Seth Roger
● Ruth Ginsberg
● Alison Mack
● Robert Maxwell
● Wendi Murdoch
● Jonathan Cheban
● Naomi Campbell
● Maximiliam Chow
● Val Kilmer
● Marina Abramovic


● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Chris Tucker
● Larry Summers
● Lisa Summers
● Bill Murray
● Bill Hammond
● Ehud Barak
● Andrés Pastrana (Former President of Colombia 1998-2002)
● Jean Luc Brunel
● Doug Band
● Ron Burkle
● Woody Allen
● Sarah Kellen
● Ray Barzanna
● Sandy Burger
● Andrea Mitrovitch
● Peter Marino
● Shelley Lewis
● Paul Hala
● Richardo Legoretta
● Tom Pritzker
● Kelly Spamm
● Tiffany Gramza
● Claire Hazel
● Paula Epstein
● Mark Epstein
● Ralph Elison
● Sophie Biddle
● Audrey Raimbault
● Shelley Harrison
● Melinda Luntz
● Gwendolyn Beck
● Albert Pinto
● Linda Pinto
● Gary Roxburgh
● Mandy Elison
● Jean Michelle Gathy
● Virginia Roberts
● Kristy Rodgers (Kristina Real Rodgers)
● Greg Holbert
● Alyssa Rodgers
● Juliette Bryant
● Heather Mann
● Ed Tuttle
● Glen Dubin
● Ellen Spencer
● Chris Wagner
● Casey Wasserman
● Laura Wasserman
● Paul Mellon
● Oliver Sachs
● Henry Rosovsky
● Lynn Forester (de Rothschild)
● Joe Pagano
● Naomi Campbell
● Nicole Junkermann
● Rodney Slater
● Magali Blachon (Deperrier)
● Svetlana Griaznova
● Emmy Tayler
● Larry Visoski
● Teala Davies
● Juan (Pablo) Molyneux
● Freya Willemoes) Wissing
● Adam Perry Lang
● Fleur Perry Lang
● Caren Casey
● Hank Coller
● Cindy Lopez
● Mark Lloyd
● Alan Dershowitz
● Seth Green
● James Gunn
● Steven Spielberg
● Tom Hanks
● Steven Colbert
● Jimmy Kimmel
● Barack Obama
● Kevin Spacey
● Kathy Griffin
● Oprah Winfrey
● Shawn Carter
● Beyoncé Knowles
● Anthony Kiedis
● John Legend
● Chrissy Tiegen
● Jim Carrey
● Steven Tyler
● Ben Affleck
● Stephen Collins
● Will Ferrell
● Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon)
● Marshall Matters
● Jeffrey Jones
● Victor Salva
● Mark Collins Rector
● Charlie Sheen
● Tyler Grasham
● Madonna Ciccone
● Katheryn Hudson
● Gwen Stefani
● Stefani Germanotta
● James Franco
● Will Smith
● Justin Roland
● John Cusack
● Anderson Cooper
● Demi Moore
● Brian Affleck
● Meryl Streep
● Wanda Sykes
● Chelsea Handler
● Michelle Wolf
● David Yarovesky
● Pharrell Williams
● Quentin Tarantino
● Courtney Love
● Alec Baldwin
● Robert Downey Jr.
● Disney Corporation (Offering kids “scuba-diving” trips, to the Epstein Island)
● Bill Clinton (of course)

Here is the link to the 2000+ page document if you’d like to see all the photos and receipts for special services.

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