Iran Takes Things to a Dangerous Level in Order to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus, May Get More Than They Bargained For

While the world is on high alert to try and keep the coronavirus from spreading even more than it already has, Iran, which has been affected a great deal already, has taken things to an extreme level in order to try and prevent further spread of the virus.

Iran is temporarily releasing tens of thousands of prisoners in an attempt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the country’s crowded prisons, as it struggles to contain one of the worst outbreaks of a disease that has already killed dozens of people and infected 23 lawmakers.

More than 54,000 prisoners have gone out on furlough after testing negative for the virus, judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili said Tuesday. He indicated that several prominent Iranian political prisoners and British dual national Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe would be allowed out.

Iran has ramped up efforts to contain the virus in recent days after accusations it was seeking to hide the extent of the outbreak.

An Iranian judiciary spokesman said Tuesday that the inmates were granted furlough — meaning they are supposed to return at some point — after testing negative for the virus, the BBC reported. The prisoners also had to post bail, the official said.

The country says it has had more than 2,300 confirmed cases of the virus and 77 deaths. The judicial rep wouldn’t say whether any of those who died were prisoners.

The development came as it was revealed that the country’s head of emergency services has contracted the virus.

Ayatollah Khamenei also insisted Iranian authorities were not concealing information about the scale of the problem, saying: “Our officials have reported with sincerity and transparency since day one. However, some countries where the outbreak has been more serious have tried to hide it.”

Iran’s outbreak, he added, “will not last long in the country and will pack up”.

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