FRAUD! What to Know About the 139,000 Votes That Magically Appeared Overnight for Joe Biden

We’ve been saying it for months. We knew it was coming. We all knew that there was no way the Democrats would allow us to hold a fair election.

They have to do something to get rid of President Trump and they are doing their best…or should I say worst? They’re literally rigging the election.

By the end of election night, most states were declared as Joe Biden or Donald Trump wins, but there were a few states that were not declared and most of those states were led by President Trump.

I stayed up for a while after the election to watch the coverage and went to bed believing full well that Trump had won the election because he had a commanding in Wisconsin and Michigan. Now they have supposedly turned to Biden.

The first thing I find especially suspicious is that the states is that they stopped counting votes before they were finished. Then started up when more showed up for Biden.

Like I said, when I went to bed, President Trump was up by 11% in Michigan, how on earth did Biden gain that many votes to surpass President Trump?

Well, I can tell you exactly how…fraud.

I’m not just saying that because Trump is losing the state, I’m saying it because I can’t see any other way that 138,339 votes magically appears and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them was for Joe Biden. How on earth does that even happen? There is no place in this country that is 100% Democrat at any level whether it be city or county.

This just absolutely blows my mind. Let me really emphasize this once again, it is not normal for all 138,339 votes that came in during the night to be for Joe Biden. This my friends is fraud and there is no logical explanation for this otherwise.

Sean Davis from the Federalist tweeted,

“So while everyone was asleep and after everyone went home, Democrats in Michigan magically found a trove of 138,339 votes, and all 138,339 of those “votes” magically went to Biden? That doesn’t look suspicious at all.”

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