Photo taken from video

Dr. Fauci Admits Personal Relationship With CNN, Then Throws Trump Adminstration Under The Bus

While appearing on CNN’s Chris Cuomo Prime Time program, Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted that he has a personal relationship with Cuomo.

This revelation comes at the same time that we have Dr. Fauci, as well as others, trying to downplay how coronavirus got started and trying to steer away from the idea that it originated in a lab in Wuhan, China.

As a side note, you should ask yourself why they are trying to not determine the cause and origin of this virus that is ravaging the world and the world’s economy.

Here is part of the discussion between Dr. Fauci and Cuomo:

Chris Cuomo: “How do I know what Tony Fauci thinks? I’ve known him a lot of my life, but I’ve never known him the way I know you through this pandemic. I have spoken to you, almost without exception, every day. You have been calling me out of personal concern to make sure that I was okay, my wife was okay, my son was okay. 11 o’clock at night. Later. Waiting for my show to end, Saturday, Sunday morning, the rare time you have with your family. Why?”

Dr. Fauci: “First of all, you’re a friend. We have a professional relationship, but you’re a friend. I’ve known you, I hate to say it, since you were almost a kid. And the fact is, you were going through some difficult times. I don’t think that people seeing you on this show were really experiencing or realizing how you were really sucking it up to look relatively normal. But when you finished the show, when we started chatting at 11 o’clock, 11:30 at night, you were wiped out. You not only had the acute difficulty of the virus that was replicating in you, but you had some of the secondary effects.”

Dr. Fauci continued, “I cared about you, but I was worried about you. That’s the reason why I kept calling.”

During the appearance, he subtly attacked states reopening their economies as well.

What makes this even more significant is that Dr. Fauci recently threw the administration under the bus claiming that the coronavirus did not come from the suspected lab in Wuhan.

Dr. Fauci also threw the Trump administration under the bus by saying, “The best evidence shows the virus behind the pandemic was not made in a lab in China.”

This claim, however, contradicts what everyone else is saying except for China, the WHO, and the Democrats. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that to the best of the knowledge that they have now, the virus was not engineered or artificially created, but that evidence shows the outbreak did begin at the Wuhan lab.

Evidence being gathered by US intelligence officials consistent with other evidence is starting to suggest the virus came from the lab; possibly accidentally.

Breitbart News | The Blaze

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