BREAKING: Former FBI General Counsel James Baker Has Flipped! Durham is Building Conspiracy Case on All of Those Who Lied to the Court!

Former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova has been giving a lot of key insights regarding what’s currently going on with the investigation into what has happened with General Michael Flynn and with Spygate.

DiGenova gave some very important details about the frame job against Flynn and James Baker who was a top FBI lawyer under the Obama administration.

Here is what diGenova told Howie Carr,

DiGenova: You know Baker is now working with Durham. James Baker the former General Counsel.

Carr: He’s flipped?

DiGenova: Who was a target, is now understandably cooperating because he was looking at a boat load of criminal charges. Once these notes were discovered, and by the way, these were the notes that [FBI Director] Chris Wray and Dana Boente did not want turned over.

DiGenova then explained, “I have no idea what’s in the mind of Judge Emmet Sullivan who used to seem like he was a really disinterested kind of noble guy. He proved that right in the Ted Stevens case. But his comments during the final status hearing before he set a sentencing date for General Flynn were so awful and so fundamentally stupid and we found out, we did an analysis, my Victoria and I did an analysis of the statements he made on the record. We got the transcript.”

“Remember when he came out and he accused the General of committing treason and started asking him a series of questions that the prosecutors, who were fumbling, they didn’t know how to answer him? He said in a series of statements, the judge did, exact words, line for line that Rachel Maddow had said the night before on her show when commenting on the upcoming Flynn hearing. It’s scary and if that’s what this guy is looking at before he comes out on the bench, he came out after a break and apologized for using the word treason, but his conduct since then has been bizarre. I don’t know whether the guy’s sick, old or not ready for prime time anymore. It seems to be a disease that’s prominent in Washington DC. Biden can’t talk. Pelosi can’t talk. The judge in the Flynn case can’t talk. It’s amazing.”

The video has since been deleted, but at least we have the transcription above.

At this point, it looks pretty good that Flynn is going to be exonerated and Roger Stone will likely get pardoned or something depending on what happens with him. But certainly, the Deep State key players will be going down soon.

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