BREAKING: FBI and DHS Reveal HUGE Problem with Election Systems

Well, it looks like it’s already starting. We’re getting reports from the FBI and the DHS that hackers have already penetrated our voting system.

I can tell you that there is going to be some major problems, chaos, and probably more rioting during this election process and the counting of the votes regardless of who wins the election.

The Department of Homeland Security is claiming that as far as they can tell, there hasn’t been any evidence that anything was actually tampered with or could be tampered with in the following weeks.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) did intimate that election system data could be compromised, noting “there are steps that election officials, their supporting … IT staff, and vendors can take to help defend against this malicious cyber activity.”

Hackers got access via a combination of vulnerabilities – what CISA calls “vulnerability chaining.” It is a commonly used tactic and in this case targeted federal and state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) government networks, critical infrastructure, and elections organizations.

The hackers targeted a Virtual Private Network (VPN) vulnerability and a flaw in Netlogon, a Windows protocol to authenticate users.

“Patches are available for all of the vulnerabilities referenced in the joint cybersecurity advisory from CISA and the FBI,” Tenable, a cybersecurity company, said in a statement sent to Fox News. “Most of the vulnerabilities had patches available for them following their disclosure.”

These cybersecurity agents have one job and that’s to protect our nation’s networks and they are failing to do so. What really makes it worse is that this could have all easily been prevented simply by installing the patches to fix the vulnerabilities that the hackers had exploited.

I wouldn’t doubt that the Democrats try using this once again to try and claim that Russia is interfering in the election to try and get President Trump reelected.

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