BREAKING: Dominion Software Glitch Fixed, Puts Trump Back in Lead in Another Key State

The “glitch” in the Dominion software that runs the ballot tabulating machines for this election seems to be inflicting the most damage into this election.

As you would expect, every single glitch just happens to be in favor of the Democrats.

Already, a number of counties have discovered and corrected this glitch leading to opposite results than what was previously determined.

In a Michigan county, the Democrats for a particular district had won his election by 104 votes, once the glitch was fixed the Republican candidate won by over 1,100 votes. Once again, that glitch just happened to be in favor of the Democrat.

Now, we’re getting some of the biggest news of all so far regarding the glitch. Wisconsin has been confirmed to have experienced it as well and as a result of the fix, there has been a 19,500 gain in Wisconsin.

Do you realize what this means? That means that once this is confirmed, President Trump should be back in the lead in Wisconsin and in all reality should seal the deal for a win for the President, but I don’t think that they’ll stop there. They are going to look for all of the glitches because there could be many more elections that are overturned as well.

The same thing was discovered in Pennsylvania when a discovered glitch resulted in nearly 20,000 voted that were moved from Biden to President Trump. That means 20,000 from Biden and 20,000 for the President. This adds 40,000 votes which almost puts him back in the lead there for the state. Add to that the 350,000 votes that are likely illegal that will be thrown out in Philadelphia and you’re back up to a point in which President Trump retakes the lead there as well.

In Georgia also, that election is likely to be flipped back to President Trump, as it should be. There is no way that this southern gun-loving state voted for Joe Biden. We already know of 6,000 votes that were swapped from Trump to Biden. Time to undo all of this mess.

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MUST SEE! Pennsylvania Steals 32,000 Votes from President Trump in One Hour!

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