BOMBSHELL! Facebook Insider Exposes Massive Suppression of Conservatives and Inner Workings

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas are great allies to America. The work that they do to expose crooked companies and individuals is vitally important.

If you ask me, I don’t think that it is coincidental that it’s always liberals and liberal businesses or organizations that wind up getting exposed.

We’ve seen Antifa, CNN, ABC, CBS, Google, Bernie Sanders, COVID-19, and so many others. But this one is really good. Now they’re exposing social media giant Facebook.

We’ve long suspected and partially confirmed that Facebook has an inherent bias against President Trump and conservatives in general. Now thanks to an undercover video taken by a former content moderator for Facebook, we can confirm that this is 100% the case.

“Facebook and other social media platforms are protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, because they claim that unlike traditional publishers that do not actively edit content—they say they are like the phone company just stringing wires on poles,” said O’Keefe.

“Facebook’s $400 billion market capitalization is tied to this protection and our report shows for the first time anywhere Facebook’s robust and human-directed process for restricting the marketplace of ideas, which calls into question their CDA 230 immunity,” he said.

In one example, McElroy captured as a screenshot, President Donald Trump posted on Facebook about Republican successes, including electing a GOP governor of Mississippi. In the screenshot, Trump’s account is labeled “Verified and Shielded,” but a seemingly innocuous comment on the post: “Cleaning up the house” with heart emojis is flagged in the Single Review Tool for adjudication.

One of the content moderators was asked if she deleted every Republican item that came up on her queue, she said: “Yes! I don’t give no f**ks, I’ll delete it.”

The same moderator also said regarding anti-Trump content, You gotta take it down but I leave it up. If you see something that’s not supposed to be up, it’s probably me.”

Project Veritas

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