Antifa Terrorists Attack And Set Fire To Apartment Building in Portland

Something that I’ve been predicting all along, ever since the riots broke out is the terrorizing of citizens in their own homes.

We’ve already seen Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists waking people up in the middle of the night and threatening their lives and property.

Now they’ve taken it to the next level and literally tried to burn down an apartment building when they set it on fire.

The Portland Police Department issued a statement,

“A mass gathering devolved into a riot after individuals broke windows, burglarized a business, and lit a fire in an occupied apartment building. Some in the crowd began lighting off what appeared to be illegal commercial-grade fireworks. A fire was lit in a garbage can in the street. Some windows were broken and walls were defaced with graffiti . In an attempt to deescalate, officers stayed out of sight and monitored the situation from a distance. However, the vandalism and burning continued. People were seen burglarizing a business, taking furniture out, and throwing it on the fires in the street.”

Oh, but Mayor Ted Wheeler says that President Trump coming to Portland or sending in the National Guard would destroy the “progress” that’s been made in the city.

What progress? It’s just progressively getting worse.

As officers and firefighters were making their way in to help, they were met with resistance and violence. This led to a number of arrests.

“Over loudspeaker, participants in the gathering were told that the area was closed to all persons, including media and legal observers, to allow firefighters to respond and extinguish the fires. Few, if any, of the persons complied. Officers began to move the crowd. Immediately officers reported rocks and paint balloons being thrown at them. Arrests were made. As the crowd moved away, some attempted to stack debris in the road to create barricades.”

This is despicable and so far 19 people have been arrested.

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