‘Woke’ NFL Players’ Sexism Leads to Lawsuit Against United Airlines

I’m starting to hate the NFL more and more with each passing day.

I’ve already called it with professional sports. I’m not watching any NFL, MLB, or NBA games this year, and possibly for years to come.

According to a recent lawsuit, the NFL is full of sexist players, but honestly, that’s not a surprise. NFL charter flights with United Airlines are packed with blond crews. I guess they really have a thing for objectifying blond women.

The lawsuit claims that the United bases the value of workers “entirely on their racial and physical attributes and stereotypical notions of sexual allure.”

A Black woman who’s worked for United for 28 years and a Jewish woman with 34 years tenure have both said they have been repeatedly and unsuccessfully to get assigned to work for the sport charter flights.

United has disputed the claims:

“While we cannot comment on this ongoing litigation, the flight attendants included in our sports team charter program are largely representative of our overall flight attendant population in regards to age and race,” the company said. “Importantly, flight attendant eligibility to work a charter flight is based solely on performance and attendance and has nothing to do with age, race or gender.”

United has contracts with the NFL, MLB, and the NCAA. The lawsuit claims that attendants who work those flights get premium accommodations and get tickets to the game, including the Super Bowl, and “extremely valuable” infield passes.

Sharon Tesler and Kim Guillory said that they were told by supervisors they could not work on the charters because they weren’t on the “preferred” lists based on team preferences.

Meaning the team’s preferences are blonde’s with blue eyes.

According to the complaint United Airlines “has adopted and continues to implement procedures that are designed to ensure that young, white, blond/blue-eyed, female employees receive positions with the charter program, while more senior, and Black and Jewish employees such as plaintiffs, do not,” they said in the complaint.

If you ask me, these teams should be called out publicly and let’s continue to expose the NFL or what it is. Knowing that it’s a hotbed for sex trafficking, we’d be better off without it.

Bloomberg News

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