Trump Legal Team is Distancing Themselves from Sidney Powell, Here’s Why

This past weekend, you may have seen that the Trump administration, and specifically the Trump legal team decided to put some distance between them and Sidney Powell.

Many people started to panic and lose hope in any chance of President Trump still pulling out a win in this election.

Powell has been working very closely with the Trump legal team. In fact, most people thought that she was part of the legal team. I’ll even admit that I was one of them.

The statement that the Trump team put out said,

“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also nota lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

– Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for President Trump, and Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign Senior Legal Adviser and Attorney for President Trump

So why the distancing? Is she just a quack spouting off unsubstantiated rumors?

She has been saying things like she’s going to release the Kraken, this will be “biblical” as she puts it, emphasizing how huge of a scandal this is going to be.

Here’s the thing, Sidney Powell is one of the top lawyers in the country. She’s not just going to throw away her career by throwing out some wild conspiracy theories.

Rob Schmidt from Newsmax said the same thing, “This is a strange little situation for the Republican party right now. As far as Sidney Powell goes I don’t believe her, I don’t disbelieve her. I don’t know what to make of it. Like you said and like we just said, she has a tremendous career as a federal prosecutor, had her own private practice. Do I actually think Sidney Powell at her age after her career is going to go out there and just start spouting conspiracy theories? I don’t. I just don’t see that happening.”

Michael Flynn Jr., son of Sidney Powell’s former client General Michael Flynn, shed some light on the whole Trump team distancing themselves from Powell on Parler:

“Wrt the @JennaEllisEsq press release

Cannot confirm yet but I’m confident this has to do w money coming in for legal defense fund sppt

@SidneyPowell has her own separate entity 4 legal donations that isn’t in conjunction w the Trump legal team

Frees SP 2 do her own thing…which will STILL b biblical

Give this the 24 hour rule….”

Then later he updated us on this,

“Can confirm this parlay…

@SidneyPowell is free to focus and not be tied to having to vett everything through the campaign

@GenFlynn @linwood”

Don’t lose hope yet. Soon…you might be able to, but not yet. It’s still too early. I’m a realist and I’m still hopeful that something big can happen, but if we don’t it very soon, I’ll lose hope.

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