MUST SEE: Evidence of Election Night Fraud Caught on Video

The massive number of problems with the voting results is so insane that it’s hard to even fathom that something like this goes almost entirely unquestioned by the Democrats or the mainstream media, let alone that it even happened at all.

When everything is put out into the open, the media should be held just as liable for perpetuating this fraud as those who helped organize it.

So we’ve talked about how votes were switched in a number of states and we’ve highlighted some states, but it happened in a lot of states and it happened on live TV.

Take this video for example:

So how does this happen?

So there are only two explanations for this. It was either human error or computer error.

These numbers are not a result of human tallies. This is generated by the computer systems that they use for voting and tabulation. The numbers are collected and programs like Edison relay those numbers to the election pool where the media can show the results live.

Take a look a this video below. You’re not going to believe what you see. It’s astonishing!

Now let’s really think about this for a minute. We are left with only two possibilities, either the program is flawed, or votes were literally switched.

Since the recounts showed that the numbers match what was originally reported (within reason), we have no choice but to conclude that votes were indeed switched. We have video evidence of it and when it happened and we can also look at the original data from Edison.

Friends…don’t give up hope just yet. I know things aren’t looking good, but here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

There are still 4 cases pending at the Supreme Court. Also, just a few days ago, after the Supreme Court decided not to hear the case from Texas, President Trump reiterated that they have only just begun. If he was really concerned about that, he would not have said such a thing.

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