Joe Biden Promises to Cure Cancer

Joe Biden Bends A Knee to Liberal’s Extreme Agenda with VP Pick

The liberal elites have got the best of Joe Biden (whatever that may be) and have succumbed to their demand of choosing a black woman as his running mate.

Prior to the Democratic National Convention, Biden put out an email announcing that he had tapped Kamala Harris for his running mate.

“I’ve decided that Kamala Harris is the best person to help me take this fight to Donald Trump and Mike Pence and then to lead this nation starting in January 2021.”

This comes after she has stated that she believes that the women who are accusing Biden of sexual misconduct and basically called him a  racist.

President Donald Trump’s campaign condemned Biden’s pick, calling Senator Kamala Harris a “phony.” A statement was also released by a Trump 2020 advisor that said, “In her failed attempt at running for president Kamala Harris gleefully embraced the left’s radical manifesto, calling for trillions of dollars in new taxes and backing Bernie Sander’s government takeover of health care. She is proof that Joe Biden is an empty shell filled with the extreme agenda of the radicals on the left.”

Wayne Allyn Root said that this is the only move that Joe Biden has left at winning the election.

Biden has no choice now. ..

Obviously, many black Democrats suddenly see the writing on the wall. On Monday a letter signed by 100 black male business, political and entertainment leaders warned Biden that he must pick a black female VP or lose the election.

This makes it clear that they don’t want the best person for a job, they just want a black woman…period.


If black voters don’t come out in record numbers (like they did for Obama), or they don’t vote 95% or higher for Biden (like they did for Obama), Biden and Democrat candidates up and down the ballot are dead in the water. It’s over.

That’s precisely why those black male leaders are finally seeing what I’ve seen for months. Biden is never going to beat Trump. But just any old black female VP won’t change that.

Everyone has the wrong VP choices in mind. Every media outlet in the country lists Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, Stacey Abrams and Karen Bass as the finalists. But they’re all wrong.

None of those names moves the needle. Not one inch. None of those women could ever change enough votes, excite the nation, or even motivate black voters to come out to vote in record numbers.

But I know who could. And I know all of Biden’s brain trust knows the exact same thing.

Biden has only one choice left, or the race is over: Choose Michelle Obama as his VP nominee.

I agree, and now the race is officially over because he didn’t choose Michelle Obama.

By him choosing Kamala Harris, he has done himself no favors and it is now President Trump’s election to lose and I don’t see that happening, especially with all of the support from black voters that he has been picking up.

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