joe biden stumped

Democrats Now Openly Talking About Replacing Joe Biden at Convention

With all the coronavirus news constantly going around, it’s easy to forget that we still have an election going on right now…well, kind of.

But the Democrats have been trying to work out who their nominee was going to be and it looked like it was going to turn out to Bernie Sanders initially, but then Joe Biden crept in and basically took that away.

Biden always seemed like the one who was going to win the nomination because as Democrats were saying, he was the most electable of the candidates. Everyone else was a joke, but so is Biden and that’s become more apparent the more we’ve heard him talk.

But the Democrats still don’t feel really confident in Joe Biden and his ability to defeat Donald Trump in the general election in November. In fact, they may be considering someone else instead of Biden…Andrew Cuomo.

According to the National Review,

Democrats are publicly talking about “contingency options” for their July convention in Milwaukee in case the coronavirus persists in being a public-health threat. But privately, some are also talking about needing a Plan B if Joe Biden, their nominee apparent, continues to flounder.

Some Democrats are openly talking up New York governor Andrew Cuomo, whose profile has soared during the crisis, as a Biden stand-in. Yesterday, a Draft Cuomo 2020 account on Twitter announced that “Times have changed & we need Gov. Cuomo to be the nominee. Our next POTUS must be one w/an ability to lead thru this crisis.”

Charles Pierce, the politics blogger for Esquire magazine, wrote a piece headlined “With Two Words, Andrew Cuomo Established Himself as the Leader This Country Needs Now.” He enthused that Cuomo’s news conference last Friday “essentially (shutting) down the economy of his state . . . was a master class in leveling with the public.”

There’s still no way that Cuomo would be President Trump either. None of the Democrats stand a chance. There is literally no Democrat in the country who could beat Trump.

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