Antifa Rioters in Portland Attack Driver and Attempt to Trap Him with Motorcycle, They Messed with the Wrong Guy (VIDEO)

Antifa thugs have taken over Portland and are dead set on setting up their own CHAZ/CHOP type of autonomous zone just as they did in Seattle.

Truth be told, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were the same people just moving over to a different city.

Both of these occurrences have not only been allowed, but facilitated by the city government of each city. What is the city of Portland doing to stop this violence that has been going on for over two months now? Not a thing.

People aren’t going to put up with the same foolishness that they did with Seattle.

Earlier this week, a man was in his truck trying to go down the street when some of the Antifa idiots tried stopping him. At one point, someone on a motorcycle pulled in front of him and laid the bike down, while another ran up to the truck and started smashing the windows.

This guy is fed up with this mess and in fear for his life, he decided to put the pedal to the metal, running over the motorcycle and dragging it under his truck for 12 blocks.

I think he made the best decision because those people are animals and likely would have tried to kill him for passing through their territory.

Later the man gets out of the truck and says something to some of the rioters who followed him.

“I don’t wanna run nobody over, y’all started throwing s*** at my motherf***in’ truck. Y’all are stupid man, f***in’ dumb, idiot protesters. You think you’re doing good, but you’re doing bad. I love black people. The s*** you’re doing up there? It’s stupid. You started piling s*** on my motherf***in’ truck for no reason.

Then at the end of it, you hear some stupid girl trying to instigate more trouble and provoke him to shoot her. He had a gun, but if I were him, I wouldn’t leave my firearm in the truck either.

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